Minor Oral Surgery

🦷 Minor oral surgery encompasses a range of dental procedures that involve surgical intervention to address various oral health concerns. While the term “surgery” may sound daunting, minor oral surgery is typically performed in the dental office using local anesthesia, and it often involves minimal discomfort and downtime for the patient.

🔍 Comprehensive Minor Oral Surgery Services

At Bliss Dental Clinic, we offer a variety of minor oral surgery procedures to meet your individual needs, including:

  • Tooth Extractions: Removal of damaged, decayed, or impacted teeth, including wisdom teeth.
  • Dental Implant Placement: Surgical placement of dental implants to replace missing teeth and restore oral function and aesthetics.
  • Biopsy: Removal and examination of tissue samples to diagnose or rule out oral pathology, such as tumors or lesions.
  • Frenectomy: Surgical removal of the frenulum, the tissue that connects the lips, tongue, or cheeks to the jawbone, to correct issues such as tongue-tie or lip-tie.
  • Apicoectomy: Surgical removal of the tip of the tooth’s root and surrounding infected tissue to treat persistent infections following root canal therapy.
  • Socket Preservation: Preservation of the bone structure following tooth extraction to maintain optimal support for future dental restorations, such as dental implants.
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